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  3. 1. Building a Task Management App

1. Building a Task Management App


In this tutorial we will be building a Task Management app. A task management system has many use cases and can be implemented into any app. As an example, both the Simpler CRM and Event Planning templates have tasking systems built into them. Even if you don’t have use for a tasking system, this tutorial will still be beneficial to anyone looking to improve their understanding and skill on the platform, as we’ll be exploring and making use of many of the available features on the platform.

Over the course of 7 short demonstration videos (including the video below) we will show you exactly how to build a simple but effective Task Management app. The following video gives a short introduction to this tutorial series.

Next Steps

Below is the link to the next episode of Building a Task Management App tutorial series:
Part 2 – Creating the Task Management App and Exploring the Editor
Updated on February 22, 2023
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