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IT Asset Management Template

This template is to help manage the full life-cycle of IT assets within your organisation, along with their location history, recurring payments and other key information.

App Features

  • You can record vital information about your asset, including details about: purchase, warranty, current location and location history.
  • In order to organize and report on your assets, they are categorized in the following ways:
    • Asset Category –  A list of categories of assets, such as PC, Office Equipment, Mobile Phone, Production Equipment, etc.
    • Site – A building or site that an asset can be located at, such as Headquarters, LA Office, New York Office, etc.
  • Track progress from acquisition, through In Service and finally to Retirement
  • View and report on assets

IT Asset Management Template Images

Setting Up the IT Asset Management App

Please follow these steps to get the IT Asset Management app ready for use in your organisation:

  • The IT Asset form asks for the category the asset belongs to. To supply this list of asset categories, you need to go to Lookup Lists > Asset Categories in the left side navigation, and create an Asset Category record for each asset category you want to use: i.e. PC, Office Equipment, Mobile Phone, Production Equipment, etc.
  • The IT Asset form asks for the site the asset is located at. To supply this list of site names, you need to go to Lookup Lists > Sites in the left side navigation, and create a Site record for each site name you want to use: i.e. Headquarters, LA Office, New York Office, etc..
  • You will need to assign the appropriate people to the security roles within the application. Go to Lookup Application Setting > Edit App in the left side navigation, and once the app design screen appears, select Security > Roles and Users in the left side design navigation. Then select each of the applications roles (discussed below in App Design Details), and use the right side panel, that appears when you select a role, to set who should be in the role.

Using the IT Asset Management App

When you get a new IT asset you want to track, enter its information into an IT Asset record. If the asset is to be placed immediately in service, you can add its real site and location and place it in service (click on the Place in Service button at the top of the form). If the asset is to be stored before use, you can set its site and location to the storage area, and later place it in service at its final site and location. Assets can be retired once they have come to the end of their functional life, or marked as being in storage.

The IT Asset Management app can also track recurring payments, such as those for software maintenance or for cloud software subscriptions. There is a view that lets you plan for the payments due in any month.

App Design Details

  • Asset Category and Site lookup records can only be created and edited by the App Admin role, but are visible to all.
  • IT Asset records are the main records in the application, and can be created by members of the Editor and App Admin roles. Security for the record is detailed in the workflow section below.
  • Security Roles, and their general purpose, are:
    • Readers – Can read, but not edit, Asset records.
    • Editors – Can create and edit, but not delete, Asset records.
    • App Admin – Can edit delete all records, including Asset Category and Site records.
  • IT Asset workflow stages are:
    • Draft – The App Admin and Editor roles and the record owner can edit and delete the record, and the Readers role can’t see the record.
    • In Service – The App Admin role can edit and delete the record, Editors roles can edit the record, and the Readers role can see but not edit the record.
    • Retired – The App Admin role can edit and delete the record, the Editors role can edit the record, and the Readers role can see but not edit the record.
  • There are no workflow notification emails.

Updating the IT Asset Management App

Don’t forget, as well as being a fully functional app that’s ready to go, the IT Asset Management template app can also be a useful starting point for you to build from. If you want extra information tracked for your assets, or want additional views to sort the assets in different ways, you can make those updates yourself.

Updated on April 28, 2021
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