The Event Planning app was developed to help people plan and manage events, such as sales seminars, launch events, training or a departmental pot-luck. If you need to plan events regularly, then this template would be a great starting point.
The app allows you to organize and view events and their associated tasks. Active events can be seen on a list or calendar style views, and completed events are stored for reference. Tasks can be viewed in lists, a calendar and a Kanban view. Tasks that exceed their due date are automatically marked as ‘Past Due’, but if their due date is updated to the future they automatically moved back to the ‘In Progress’ status.
App Features
- Create and manage events through completion.
- Track and assign tasks for individual events.
App Details
This app has two main forms:
- Event Form: This form is for creating events and keeping track of their details/tasks.
- Tasks Form: This form is for creating tasks for events and assigning tasks to users.
There is also an additional form for managing the Department lookup values that display on the task form’s department drop-down list.
This app has two security roles:
- Editor: Users in this role can create, edit, and delete Events and Tasks.
- Reader: Users in this role can only read Events and Tasks.
Setting Up the Event Planning App
Please follow these steps to get the Event Planning app ready for use in your organization:
- Departments – The Task form asks for the department the task is assigned to. To supply this list of departments, you need to go the ‘All Departments‘ view on the left-side navigation. There are quite a few departments already in there, but go ahead and customize this list by deleting, editing, and/or adding new departments. You can add a new blank record using the + Add New Record button on the bottom of the ‘All Departments’ view, and the values can edited directly in the view by clicking in the field/row you’d like to edit.
- Roles – You will need to assign the appropriate people to the security roles within the application. Go to Lookup Application Setting > Edit App in the left side navigation, and once the app design screen appears, select Security > Roles and Users in the left side design navigation. Then select each of the applications roles (discussed in App Details), and use the right side panel, that appears when you select a role, to set who should be in the role. For more information on how to do this, see our Roles & Users support documentation.
- Automatic marking of tasks as overdue has been built into this app, but not enabled. If you would like all tasks with a due date in the past and not yet marked as ‘Completed’ to be automatically set a ‘Over Due’, you need to enable this feature:
- To enable automatic escalation, go to Application Settings > Edit App in the left side navigation to open the app in edit mode, then select ‘Triggers‘ on the left side navigator. Enable the ‘Check Task for Past Due & Mark’ trigger. (The ‘Check Past Due After Edit’ trigger should already be enabled, if it is not, pleas enable this one also.)
Using the Event Planning App
The general process for using this template is as follows:
- Start by creating a new event by selecting ‘New Event‘ on the left side navigator.

- Enter the event details, and then click the ‘Create Event‘ button on the header.

- After you create your event, you can begin adding tasks for the event. Immediately after creating an event, the app is set up to redirect you to viewing the record. You can also find the record in the ‘Active Events‘ view.
- Navigate to the ‘Tasks‘ tab on the record. The embedded views on this tab will display all tasks for the selected event.
- You can add tasks directly to the event using the embedded view ‘+ Add New Record‘ button, and then clicking and typing directly into the fields – OR – you can add tasks using the ‘New Task‘ form on the left side navigator.

- Tasks have three (3) status, which you can edit either clicking and changing the field in the embedded view, or by navigating to the Task record and changing the status there. The three status’ are:
- Planned
- In Progress
- Task Done
- There is a trigger set up to change the stage of Planned or In Progress tasks that have past their due date to Past Due. Once the stage changes, the Past Due will display above the task record when it is viewed (but not in the embedded view).

Updating the Event Planning App
Just like the rest of our templates, this app is a great starting point for creating your own custom event management app. If you have an idea for a change you’d like to make, take a look at our support pages for guidance on how to make those changes, and give it a shot. And of course, we’re always available to help bring your vision to life – just send us an email to [email protected] and we’ll be happy to help!