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February 2020 Release

New Releases & Recent Updates – February 2020

  • Workflow buttons – We added the ability to hide buttons in View, Edit, or Creation of a record. This way if you want to have some buttons only appear when editing, or only appear when viewing you can do that.
  • Workflow Stages – Added the concept of duplicating a stage (this will duplicate buttons and security settings for a given stage), and made some enhancements to creating new stages.
  • PDF – Added support for Record ID in the PDF, so you can now add the record ID in your templates.
  • Live Lookup Sync – You can now enable a sync for your multi lookups. If you have forms that lookup other forms, you can turn this feature on, which will auto update changes made in the parent form into the child forms right away.
Updated on May 11, 2021
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