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February 2021 Release

New Releases & Recent Updates – February 2021

New Releases & Recent Updates - February Drop-down Radio and Checkbox
  • Form Translations – Forms can now be translated to different languages. Field labels and tool-tips, as well as radio, checkbox, and list options can all be translated. The language will display based on the user’s browser language settings (e.g., if your browser is in Spanish, you will see the Spanish content). To access this, just go to any section or field properties and select the Language tab, there you will be able to add your translated text.
Form Translations
  • Update & Create actions – You can now update / create records based on conditions in separate forms or applications. For example, if a client record changes, update all children with a specific value. 
Update & Create Actions
  • Email & PDF – You will be able to add an embedded view and a dynamic table into your email & PDF templates. 
  • Easier Email Template creation – You will be prompted with the option to select fields you want to include in your email, and the app will auto-create a table with the label and the value for each section. Intended to reduce the time to create your emails.
New Releases & Recent Updates - February Email Template
  • Browser Tabs – When working in an application, the tab will now display the name of the app you are working in. You can also now ( if you’re the Platform Admin) change the Tab Favicon (the icon shown in the browser tab) to be your company’s logo or any icon instead of the GW Apps icon. This will help you manage your branding. To change the Favicon, go to your platform > appearance settings and upload it there. The icon is recommended to be 32x32px.  
Browser Tabs
  • Platform > Apps Management – Now in the platform settings (if you are a super admin) you can see all the apps in the platform, and have the ability to Publish/Unpublish an app. You can also add / remove app designers, and see audits for your apps. Simply go to your Platform Settings and click on Apps Management. You should be able to see all apps, not just the ones you have access to (as long as you are a Super Admin).
New Releases & Recent Updates - February Platform Apps Management
  • Added 2 new properties for Email Templates: Sender Name and Reply To. You can now change the sender name that displays when users receive an email from your template (note: email will always be notifications@gwapps.com) but the sender will show whatever name you put in the email template. Also, Reply To will be updated to be whoever you pass it. The default if you don’t have any values is noreply@gwapps.com. You can find these settings by going to Edit Email Template > Sender settings.
Email Template Sender
  • When you are in the app and click Sign Out, you should now be taken to the company login page instead of the generic login page. For example, if you are logged-in to GW Apps and you Sign Out, you will be redirected to https://app.gwapps.com/login/<primary_domain>. The same logic applies if you are signed out due to the session timing out.
Updated on May 11, 2021
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