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Form Fields & Components: Lookup Fields

A Lookup Fields field is like a List Selection field, except it allows you to look up more than one value in a single selection action. For example, you might have a help desk application, and when select the service rep’s first name you could also have the rep’s last name and phone number pulled into the record at the same time.

Adding a Lookup Fields to a form will start a wizard to help you configure the field correctly. The wizard has 3 steps. In the steps below we will continue with the example of a help desk application, where you want to lookup the service rep’s first name, last name and phone number in a single selection action.

Note: The Lookup Fields field type used to be called a Multi Lookup. In some properties and dialog boxes, it is still referred to as “Multi Lookup”. They are both the same field type.

Step 1 – Lookup Source

In this step we tell GW Apps where to lookup information from, just like in List Selection fields. You select the desired app to lookup from, and the form in that app to lookup records for. The App to Lookup from will be pre-filled with the current application name.

Wizard Step 1 – Starting look
Multi Lookup
Wizard Step 1 – With settings completed
Multi Lookup Field
Field Description
App to Lookup from The App to Lookup records from. (The field will be pre-filled with the current application name.)
Form to Lookup from The form in the selected app to lookup records form.

Step 2 – Display in Dropdown

In this step we tell GW Apps what fields should display in the dropdown of the Lookup Fields field on the form when the user is making a selection. List Selection fields show only a single column of values, but the Lookup Fields can display multiple columns of values in the selection list.

Wizard Step 2 – Starting look
New Multi Lookup Field
Wizard Step 2 – With settings completed
Multi Lookup Field Setup
Field Description
Field to add to the lookup dropdown This is a list of the fields on the selected form. Select the desired field from the list and click on the + symbol at the right side of the field to add it to the current list.
Fields to display in the Multi Lookup dropdown The current list of field values that will be displayed while a user is making a selection in the Lookup Fields field. The up / down arrows can be used to change the order of the fields, and the minus sign at the left of the field name can be used to remove that field from the list.

The first field in the list will also become the value actually stored directly in the Lookup Fields field.

Step 3 – Saved to Form

In this step we tell GW Apps which field values to add to the record after the user has completed their selection. We can add some or all of the fields displayed in the dropdown, and we can also add fields not displayed in the dropdown.

Wizard Step 3
Multi Lookup Field Setup 2
Field Description
Field to add to the form This is a list of the fields that will be added to the record after the user has completed their selection. Select the desired field from the list and click on the + symbol at the right side of the field to add it to the current list.
Fields to be added to the form The current list of field values that that will be added to the record after the user has completed their selection in the Lookup Fields. The up / down arrows can be used to change the order of the fields, and the minus sign at the left of the field name can be used to remove that field from the list.

The first field in the dropdown display list will always become the value actually stored directly in the Lookup Fields field. As this field is already taken care of, it is not displayed in the list of ‘Fields to be added to the form’.

Lookup Fields Field Properties

Setting Description
Basic Tab / General Settings
Display Name
Field Help Text
See General Field Features
Options Tab / Lookup Options
Shows the selected app, form and field value stored in the Lookup Fields.
Fields linked to this Multi Lookup Shows the additional fields added to the form by the Lookup Fields wizard.
    Unlink Clicking on the Unlink option will turn that field in to an ordinary field of that type (Text, Number, etc). It will no longer have its value set when the user makes a selection in the Lookup Fields field.
Options Tab / Lookup Filters
Allows to you to filter which records will be displayed in the Lookup Fields selection list. For example, only showing Service Reps that work in the same state as listed in the “Customer Location State” field on the same record.

See Form Fields & Components:  Lookup Filters for more details on setting a lookup filter.

Advanced Tab / Conditional Visibility – See Conditional Visibility
Properties – Lookup Options
Lookup Options

Lookup Fields Field Usage Example

 Multi Lookup usage example
Usage Example
Updated on February 22, 2023

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