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Form Fields & Components: Attachment

An Attachment field allows you to select and attach one or more files, similar to attachment files in an email except that they stay associated with this specific field. You can add as many attachment fields as you need, and each field’s attachments stay associated with the field they were attached to. (Email attachments tend to be shown at the top or bottom of the email).

The default look of the Attachment component
Attachment Field

Attachment Field Properties

Setting Description
Basic Tab / General Settings
Display Name
Field Help Text
See General Field Features
Button Name Lets you could change the text that displays next to the folder icon, where the user clicks to attach a file. Default value is “Browse” as shown in the screen-shot above.
Validations Tab / Upload Settings
Max File Size Select from a range of maximum allowed attachment size, from 0.1 MB to 100 MB.
Message to show users The message to display if the file being attached is larger than the Max File Size value.
Allow Multiple Attachments Enable if you would like the attachment control to be able to store more than one attachment.
Allow user to enter description for each upload Enable if you would like the option of adding a text description to each attachment added to this field. This might help users find the correct attachment if multiple files are attached, or if there are multiple kinds of files that might be attached in a specific app.
Validations Tab / Upload Settings
Message to display if non-allowed file type is uploaded The message to display if the file being attached is not on the approved list of attachment file types.
Select the file types you will allow users to attach to this field.
Advanced Tab / Conditional Visibility – See Conditional Visibility

Usage Example

Attachment Usage Example – with optional descriptions
Attachment Field Usage Example
Updated on May 11, 2021
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