The Room Reservations app was developed to help manage, track and approve requests to hold meetings in shared rooms. If you have rooms that staff can reserve for meetings and want to formally track and enforce a review and approval process for these requests, then this template would be a great starting point.
The app allows you to organize and view room requests by room, date and status. This way you can easily check if a room is free when you need, or what rooms are free on the date/time your looking at. The app uses a simple one stage approval process.
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App Details
This app has one main app form called Room Reservation. It is used to store information about a specific reservation of a meeting room. Room Reservation records can be created by all the roles. Security for a Room Reservation is detailed in the workflow section below.
This app also has two additional forms that are used to manage lists of lookup values used on the Room Reservation form. Each value in the Room Type or Room lookup list fields is a record created with that form (These records can only be created and edited by the App Admin role):
- Room Type – Used to manage a list of types of shared rooms, such as: Meeting Room, Conference Room, etc.
- Room – A specific room a meeting or event can reserve, such as: Work Room 103, Cubicle 211, etc.
Room Reservation records can be created by all the roles. Security for a Room Reservation is detailed in the workflow section below.
- Security Roles, and their general purpose, are:
- Reader – Can read, but not edit records.
- Approver – Can approve and reject records in the In Review stage, and add notes. They can also view all records, except in the Draft stage.
- Reserved By – A dynamic role that contains the name of the ‘Reserved By’ field from the specific room reservation record.
- App Admin – Can create, edit and delete all records, and access all workflow action buttons.
The workflow stages for Room Reservation records are are:
- Draft – The record owner and the App Admin role can edit and delete the record.
- In Review – The Reader role can view but not edit the record, the Approver role can Approve and Reject, and edit the review comments field. The App Admin role can edit and delete the record.
- Approved – The Reader, Approver, Record Owner and Reserved By roles can view but not edit the record. The Record Owner and Reserved By roles can return it to the Draft or Cancelled stage. The App Admin role can edit and delete the record, and can return it to the Draft or Cancelled stage.
- Rejected – The App Admin role which can edit and delete the record, and return it to the Draft stage. The Record Owner and Reserved By roles can view the record and return it to the Draft stage. The Approvers role can view the record.
- Cancelled – The App Admin role which can edit and delete the record, and return it to the Draft stage. The Record Owner and Reserved By roles can view the record and return it to the Draft stage.
Setting Up the Conference Room Reservation App
Please following these steps to get the Room Reservation app ready for use in your organization:
- The Room Request form asks for the Room Type (size) you are looking for. To supply this list of room types, you need to go to Lookup Lists > Room Types in the left side navigation, and create a Room Type record for each type of room you have: i.e. Small, Medium, Large, etc. To do this, simply click the + New button to create a new blank record, and then you can fill it in and save it.
- The Room Request form asks for the Room you want to hold the meeting in. To supply this list of rooms, you need to go to Lookup Lists > Rooms in the left side navigation, and create a Room record for each room you have: i.e. Meeting Room 103, Conference Room 211, etc. To do this, simply click the + New button to create a new blank record, and then you can fill it in and save it. You will need to create the Room Type records first, as Room records need to be assigned a Room Type value.
- You will need to assign the appropriate people to the security roles within the application. Go to Lookup Application Setting > Edit App in the left side navigation, and once the app design screen appears, select Security > Roles and Users in the left side design navigation. Then select each of the applications roles (discussed in the App Details section), and use the right side panel, that appears when you select a role, to set who should be in the role.
Using the Room Reservation App
The general process for using this template is as follows:
- Start by creating a new reservation by selecting ‘New Reservation‘ on the left side navigator.

- Enter the reservation details, and then click the ‘Submit‘ button on the header.

- After you create your reservation, you can begin the review process. Immediately after creating an event, the app is set up to redirect you to viewing the record. You can also find the record in the ‘Room Reservations‘ view.
- Reservation records can have one of five statuses, as shown in the list below. If a reservation is at the Cancelled status, it will be hidden from all views for all users, except for the App Admins, Reserved By and Record Owner. The Calendar view only shows reservations that are at the In Review or Approved statuses. The five statuses are:
- Draft
- In Review
- Approved
- Rejected
- Cancelled

Updating the Conference Room Reservation App
Don’t forget, as well as being a fully functional app that’s ready to go, the Room Reservation template app can also be a useful starting point for you to build from. If you want extra information tracked for your reservation requests, want additional views to sort the requests in different ways, or want to add a second approval stage, you can make those updates yourself. Take a look at our support pages for guidance on how to make those changes (see Resource to the left), and give it a shot. And of course, we’re always available to help bring your vision to life – just send us an email to [email protected] and we’ll be happy to help!