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Form Fields & Components: Date

A date field. In use a date selection dialog will appear when the field is selected.

The default look of the Date component

Date Popup Widget

When the user clicks into the entry field a widget pops up. Once a date is chosen you simply need to click anywhere outside the popup and it will close. The date will have been entered into the field.

The date popup widget will appear in any place within the application where the user or App Designer needs to enter a date: Such as setting the default date..

Date Field Properties

Basic Tab / General Settings
Display Name
Default Value
Field Help Text
See General Field Features
Basic Tab / Validation Section
Earliest Allowed DateThe earliest date the field will consider valid. Dates before this in the calendar are not valid. “Disabled’ by default, which means there will be no restriction on how early a date can be used.
– Exact Earliest DateThe earliest date is set to a specific fixed value. Select the desired date using the date-picker.
– Relative Earliest DateThe earliest date is set to a value calculated by an offset from the system date when the record was created. The desired offset is specified by setting a positive or negative number of days, months and years for the current date, such as today, today plus 7 days, or today minus one year.
– Field Earliest DateThe earliest date is set to a value calculated by an offset from the date stored in a selected field on the form. The desired offset is specified by setting a positive or negative number of days, such as the value in the Due Date field minus 3 days.
Latest Allowed DateThe latest date the field will consider valid. Dates after this in the calendar are not valid. “Disabled’ by default, which means there will be no restriction on how far into the future a date can be.
– Exact Latest DateThe latest date is set to a specific fixed value. Select the desired date using the date-picker.
– Relative Latest DateThe latest date is set to a value calculated by an offset from the system date when the record was created. The desired offset is specified by setting a positive or negative number of days, months and years for the current date, such as today, today minus 4 days, or today plus 3 years.
  – Field Latest DateThe latest date is set to a value calculated by an offset from the date stored in a selected field on the form. The desired offset is specified by setting a positive or negative number of days, such as the value in the Due Date field plus 24 days.
Advanced Tab / Conditional Visibility – See Conditional Visibility

Date Field Usage Example

Date Usage Example
Date Field Usage Example

Demonstration Video

Updated on February 24, 2023
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