PDF Templates

The PDF Template Editor allows you to create custom document representations of records with an optional header and footer, and a body with auto-populated record data. These PDF Templates can be triggered during a workflow or manually generated from within a view.

To begin creating a template, open the app in Edit Mode and navigate to the PDF Templates section on the left-side navigator. Then select the ‘+ Create New PDF Template‘ button, or+ New PDF Template‘ on the header bar. Then, choose a name for your template and choose the form whose field data you want access to in the PDF Template.

Add New PDF Template

PDF Template Editor

The template editor can be broken down into 5 areas:

PDF Template Editor
Editor AreaDescription
1 – Template NameThe Template Name can be edited by clicking in this field. It can also be edited in the PDF Template Properties (4), under the general section.
2 – Fields PalleteThe Available Fields Pallet shows all fields currently on the selected form. Drag-and-drop a field on to your Template Layout to add the field’s contents to the PDF. You may also use the @ symbol within the Template Layout section to add fields — typing “@” will display a drop-down of all available fields. You will also find a Page Break option at the bottom of the pallet.
3 – Template LayoutThe Template Layout area is where you build your PDF layout. You can add text, format, images, tables, change colors, etc., by using the editor options at the top.
4 – PropertiesThe Template Properties is where you can set various layout options. For example, if the layout will have a header and/or footer, if page numbers and/or total pages will display, if the date it was generated should be added, etc. (more on this below).
5 – Preview & SavePreview, Save, Save & Close and Close buttons.

PDF Template Properties

Properties (4) are divided into two expandable panels: General and Properties. In the General panel you can change the template name and description, as well as the form being referenced. The Properties section allows you to set various layout options for your template.

PDF Template Properties

The Header and Footer can be completely customized with text, fields, color, images, etc.

PDF Template Properties Extended
PDF HeaderEnables the display of the PDF header.
  Header SizeSelects the size of the header: Options are Small, Medium and Large.
  Header Background ColorSelects the color for the header.
PDF FooterEnables the display of the PDF footer.
  Footer SizeSelects the size of the footer: Options are Small, Medium and Large.
  Footer Background ColorSelects the color for the footer.
Page NumberIf selected shows the current page number of the PDF in the footer of the PDF.
Total PagesIf selected shows the total number of pages in the PDF in the footer of the PDF.
Date GeneratedIf selected shows the date the PDF was generated in the header of the PDF.
Page OrientationSelect the desired page orientation: Portrait or Landscape.
Page SizeSelect the desired page size. Options include Letter and A4.
Page MarginThe margins that will be applied to the body contents of the PDF Template. The header and footer will not use these margins.
  TopThe margin above the body contents.
  LeftThe margin to the right of the body contents.
  RightThe margin to the left of the body contents.
  BottomThe margin below the body contents.

Next Steps

Add your PDF Template to your workflow by assigning it to your action buttons. Learn more here.

Similar to PDFs, you may also create custom Email Templates for your application workflows. Learn how to navigate the Email Template Editor here.

Change the overall layout of your email templates in the Platform Settings Email Layout section.

Updated on June 28, 2022
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